Junior Formulae

Masters Class Champion to defend title

Masters Class Champion Mark Howard will be defending his title after signing for Team Pyro once again.

Last year, Howard finished first in the over-38’s Master’s Class category, taking five class wins and partnering the top drivers from the main championship.

This year, the 51 year old will be racing alongside Mike Bushell, Josh Price, and Senna Proctor, all talented drivers who will keep Howard on his toes.

“My driving came on in leaps and bounds in 2015 and I’d be nuts not to see how far I can keep going,” he said. “I was in the outright top ten four times and really want to see if I can beat my best result which was a ninth.”

“The Masters class is a great way for us older racers to stay young at heart and perform as part of the big show at the British Touring Car Championship’s events. Experience teaches you to appreciate value for money and, in motor sport, there’s very little out there to match the UK Clio Cup.”

“We’re very happy to keep Mark on board for a second season,” said Team Principal Mark Hunt. “Last year, he definitely showed he was top-ten material, which is no mean feat given many drivers on the grid are less than half his age! If we can increase his consistency then he could be up there even more in 2016.”

Image Credit: Renault UK Clio Cup Press Office

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