Bike Racing

Moto3- A Championship Ride

Feature Image Credit: Pedro Acosta

Pure drama, skill and tears…

Here we go! Will Pedro Acosta be crowned as the Moto3 World Champion, or will Foggia hold him off for a last race, last lap battle? Stay tuned to find out!

Pedro Acosta, who current sits in 14th place (10 spots behind Dennis Foggia) only has confidence in himself. If he wins the race, then he is the World Champion.

The lights go out and Sergio Garcia gets away well, Dennis Foggia trying to attack but getting swallowed up in the process. Acosta is in 7th place, but Foggia takes P1- exactly where he wants to be. He does great when we gets to the front and stays there- most of his wins happen this way.

While it is all about the world championship, we’ve got lots of drama to unfold. Darryn Binder is in 2nd place with Adrien Fernandez sitting in 3rd. And with 18 laps to go, Acosta makes his way up to 4th place. He is so aggressive, trying to fight his way up the inside of Binder. It almost seems desperate, but Acosta wants to end the championship here and now.

John McPhee, who has had an excellent weekend so far, crashes out of the race.

Poleman Sergio Garcia sits in 8th place but all eyes are on the battle between Acosta and Artigas. He’s got to be Foggia’s #1 wingman in trying to keep Acosta back, but the KTM rider makes his way in front of the Leopard Honda rider.

Foggia would be able to get away from the front if it weren’t for Binder- who could care less about the world championship. He’s pulling him back to the field, which Acosta couldn’t be happier about. He makes good use of Binder and takes 2nd place.

And then there were two!

Acosta makes a mistake at the first turn and falls back to 3rd. He once again makes good use of him and makes his way up to 2nd yet again. Masia and Binder have a go at each other and it causes Binder to fall to 5th. Now Masia is behind Acosta, who’s got his own wingman now. You can see Masia pull back to protects Acosta’s wheel, stopping Binder and Garcia from getting past them.

Jaume Masia took advantage of his better pace and overtook both Foggia and Acosta. But Acosta needs a win- so whether Masia gives it up or Acosta takes it, the KTM World Championship leader takes the lead of the race. With Masia holding Foggia back.

And then Acosta ends up falling to 6th place! And Foggia takes back the race lead!

This is getting a bit messy. Acosta is dangerously in the middle of a huge battle, in which any moment could take him out. He eventually makes his way up to 3rd place with 6 laps to go. It’s mirroring the start of the race: Foggia, Binder then Acosta.

Both teams of Leopard Racing and KTM Ajo are holding their breaths. 5 laps to go.

Acosta’s back tire is sliding around the track, and you know that it’s going to go down to the last lap. 4 laps to go.

Acosta overtakes Foggia and gains 0.2-0.3 ahead of Foggia. 3 laps to go.

Masia crashes out.

Foggia tries to overtake Acosta at the start/finish line but can’t make it through.  He does make it through, a few corners later, shocking everyone in the process. 2 laps to go.


They cross the start/finish line with Foggia ahead of Acosta.

Binder crashes into Dennis Foggia and if Acosta stays on the bike, then he is the World Champion! Binder also takes Sergio Garcia out, but this is a horrible way to lose a World Championship. But we have a championship to celebrate!

Congratulations to Pedro Acosta on winning the Moto3 World Championship!

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