B-TEC series postponed

The British Touring Car Championship’s B-TEC development series is going to be postponed until 2017, after other racing series have diverted entrants away from the championship.

“Naturally we are disappointed to have to postpone like this, but that’s all it is, a postponement,” said the director of the series, Ian Harrison. “We want to ensure that we have the strongest possible grid when we start, and at the moment there are a lot of carrots being dangled in front of potential entrants from other categories.”

In order to entice drivers into the series, track experience events will be run during 2016. Entrants will be able to come along and hear about the plans for 2017, and get some time on the track.

“We are obviously disappointed to have arrived this point but believe it is right to postpone the start of what I am sure will be an interesting option for both drivers and teams,” said BARC General Manager, Ian Watson. “The idea of starting the series in 2016 was always going to be pushing the boundaries of what was possible to be achieved in the time and having a further twelve months to get everything in place will, I am sure, make a big difference.”

B-TEC will continue to work with current commercial and supply partners to ensure the category provides drivers and teams a solid development platform in 2017.

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